Sound Policy

Neighborhood Sound Policy

The New Transformus Sound Policy is set according to neighborhood. Theme Camps are placed in areas with similar sound tastes in order to help create neighborhood cohesion and to create a variety of spaces for our citizens. Some areas are allowed to have limited amplified sound post 2am, subject to a decibel limit.

Argonath: Amplified Sound 8am until 11pm

Avalon: Amplified Sound 8am until 2am

Eden: Amplified Sound 8am until 11pm

Elysium Amplified Sound 8am until 2am. Restricted sound til 8am,

Narnia: Amplified Sound 8 am until 11pm

Nutopia: Amplified Sound 8am until 11pm

Paradise Plateau: 24 Hour Amplified Sound

Shangri-la: 24 Hour Amplified Sound

Valhalla: 24 Hour Amplified Sound

Xanadu: Amplified Sound 8am until 2am.


Enforcement Can Include:

  • Asking to turn down or off the sound
  • If further violations occur, confiscation of equipment (generators, power cords) for the remainder of the burn
  • In extreme cases of repeated violations, further action will be taken on a case-by-case basis